Holistic Health Natural Hygiene Yoga Philosophy
Mentored by my father - a Professor of Biochemistry, Naturopath, and Yoga exponent - I hope to demystify prevalent notions about food, and simplify the sustenance of healthy habits. Over the years, I have created a unique fusion of therapies from the East & West, combining conventional studies of nutrition, with natural hygiene, and yogic principles. The coaching I offer is based on a holistic blend of all three. I believe that your will to make a change will be the key to healing yourself.
Note: I am a Holistic Whole Food Plant Based Nutritionist. I am not a medical practitioner.
I do not give medical advice to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Do consult your doctor(s) before making lifestyle changes.

Doctorate in Yoga & Life Sciences from SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru
Bengaluru University Topper with Master’s degree in Food & Nutrition
Certified Nature Cure therapist and Member of International Institute
of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene, USA, trained under Dr. Arun Sharma -
Certified Diabetes Educator from St. John’s Hospital, Bengaluru
Certified Yoga Instructor & Therapist from SVYASA University, Bengaluru
Certified Lactation Consultant, trained under Dr. Shaibya Saldanha
MD (OBG) from Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru -
Certified Sports Nutritionist from Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru
Trained in Yogic management of back pain under Dr. Omkar, Yoga exponent and Senior Research Scientist from IISc, Bengaluru
Diploma in “Nutrition for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention”
from University of California, San Francisco, USA -
Diploma in “Nutrition & Health Education” from IGNOU
Member of the Indian Dietetic Association, Nutrition Society of India, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, International Institute of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene, and International Yoga Association

Yoga Lakshmi Puraskar by Adhyatma Yoga Academy, Bengaluru, 2019
Pratibanvita Mahile of the Year by Karnataka Vasavi Sahitya Sammelana, 2018
Dr. Dayananda Dangonkar Memorial Award for Best PhD Paper on Fresh Coconut published in Journal of American College of Nutrition, USA, 2018 - the first study on fresh coconut recorded across the world
Best Oral Presentation Award in Experimental Nutrition at the NSI Conference by St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, 2016
Gold Medal for securing 1st place in Master’s by Vasavi Union, Bengaluru, 2009
Gold Medal for securing 1st place in Master’s by Bengaluru University at the
44th Annual Convocation -
Best Outgoing Student of the Year, 2008
Dr. M.C. Modi Award for securing 1st place in Master’s, 2008 & 2007